Weekly Challenge: Daily Water Intake

Weekly Challenge: Daily Water Intake

I’ve always been pretty good at getting enough water throughout the day. I carry around my water bottle, drink at meals, and make sure to drink a few ounces before snacks.

Until lately. Now, I struggle.

Why is that you ask?

I became a mom 😛

Instead of thinking about drinking my own bottle I’m more worried about making sure my daughter is getting enough to eat from her bottle! While I do happen to have a baby who has more struggles with eating than most, I know that this must be so typical for other moms! Often (if not always) our needs come second to our child’s!

We all know we also need to take care of ourselves but IT. IS. HARD. and frankly sometimes, I simply forget. I get to the end of my [long] day and realize that I only drank maybe 30 ounces of water all day!

It’s been hard adjusting to motherhood. It’s not as easy to take care of myself or to keep up with healthy habits. Time slips through my fingers and honestly sometimes I forget that I have needs just like my little daughter.

This week’s challenge is all about starting to take care of myself. If I make this a project and something I’m working on everyday I know I can see improvement!

This week I will drink half my body weight in ounces of water. EVERY DAY.

While this means that I will have many, many trips to the bathroom I also know that doing so will greatly improve my physical health. Some benefits of drinking this much water include: maximizing physical performance, mental performance, increasing energy levels, and more! (Read here if you want to know more.) All I know is that I’d like to see all of those increase 😉

Honestly, I’m nervous about this challenge! It is going to take some preparation on my part and some planning ahead. I will really have to stay on top of this project in order to see the results I want. However, I can’t wait to see how I feel a week from today! Hopefully I will be able to see a difference, no matter how *small* it may be!

I’ll be sharing my tips and experiences on my Instagram, follow along! Let me know if you have any tips in how to get more water in each day!



Nicole Hughes

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